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Sufix ProMix® Braid - 15lb - Neon Lime - 1200 yds

Sufix ProMix® Braid - 15lb - Neon Lime - 1200 yds

ProMix® Braid - 15lb - Neon Lime - 1200 yds

Capitalizing on pro angler insights, Sufix® ProMix® combines the innate benefits of the premium braid with ultra-longevity, buoyancy, and colorfast technology to culminate a quality of braid like no other. The color injection process provides two times more “Colorfast” retention than competing braids. The densely braided line made with HMPE fibers and high weave count gives consistent quality, uniform diameter (increasing abrasion resistance), and line performance Low stretch offers exceptional lure control, ultimate bite detection, firm hook setting power Superior knot, and shock strength. Multi-purpose braid that excels in freshwater and saltwater applications.

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